Audio Guestbook

Audio Guestbook Rental

An audio guestbook is a unique element that captures heartfelt and beautiful messages from your guests. Capture their special messages of love in the moments of your event. You will hear the humor, fun, and love radiating through the voice messages captured with our audio guestbook.

The process is simple - a user-friendly device is provided for guests to leave their recorded messages. This not only adds a unique touch to the event but also creates lasting memories for the hosts and attendees. The audio guestbook rental ensures that no heartfelt message or warm sentiment goes unnoticed. It's an innovative way to preserve the voices and emotions of loved ones, making them accessible for future reminiscing. So, if you're looking to add an extra touch of sentimental value to your next event, consider our audio guestbook rental.

Audio File Provided

We deliver the audio files in two different ways. One will be the audio files of each recorded message, and we also provide a video file that plays an audio wave over a picture selected by you! This is a user-friendly file that allows you to share instantly to social media!

Audio Guestbook Styles

We offer a variety of styles of audio guestbooks for your convenience! Check out our current selection of audio guestbooks and select the perfect one for your event. Our inventory is growing every day, check back with us regularly to see our new audio guestbook options!

Audio guestbook rental Grand Junction, Colorado
Audio guestbook rental Grand Junction, Colorado

White Vintage w/ roses

Audio guestbook rental in Grand Junction, CO
Audio guestbook rental in Grand Junction, CO

White Vintage

Audio Guestbook Packages

A beautiful way to store your audio guestbook recordings is in your very own message in a bottle! Our personalized USB drive gives you a beautiful and unique way to store your audio guestbook voice recordings and audio guestbook video. Additionally, if you rent our photo booth, all your photo booth pictures can be uploaded to your message in a bottle USB!

Message in a bottle for weddings
Message in a bottle for weddings
Audio guestbook message in a bottle
Audio guestbook message in a bottle

(Personalized storage box included)

Message in a Bottle $45

Personalized Sound wave acrylic picture frame (7x9 in)

Personalized plaque night light with wood base QR code (4x6in)

Our personalized acrylic plaques are a beautiful display of your loved ones' heartfelt messages. Each plaque is custom made with your own message, and can be easily displayed in your home. With the added feature of a QR code, you can easily listen to your audio guest book recordings whenever you want!

Personalized acrylic plaque $45